Resetting your Microsoft 365 Password using Microsoft Authenticator
In conjunction with the Kane Password Policy, we have now enabled the ability for you to reset your Microsoft 365 Password when the VPN is not an option.
When you change your Microsoft 365 Password, the following systems will be affected by the change:
- Barracuda VPN and Archive
- Microsoft 365 Applications such as Outlook, Teams, SharePoint (Your Work emails on your phone will also be affected)
- Laptop Password (Once VPN has been connected after the change has been made)
- Single Sign On Applications (Kane BMS, DocuSign, ProcurePro)
To change your Microsoft 365 Password, you will need to open up the Microsoft Authenticator, Select your Work Account and click on Change Password.
Once you have clicked Change Password, you will be re-directed to the Azure Change Password Page. Enter in your old password, new password and confirm new password. When you click on submit, this will change the password for your account.
NOTE: Please allow 10-15 minutes for the password to update for the Kane BMS and Barracuda Applications